Smart Grid to Smart Energy

Ravi Seethapathy P.Eng, MBA, FCAE, Executive Chairman of Biosirus Inc, Expert Advisor on Smart Grid, Smart Cities and Energy Systems, Globally-Recognized Speaker...

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Ravi Seethapathy P.Eng, MBA, FCAE, Executive Chairman of Biosirus Inc, Expert Advisor on Smart Grid, Smart Cities and Energy Systems, Globally-Recognized Speaker and Corporate Director, participates in Risk Roundup to Discuss Smart Grid to Smart Energy.

Smart Grid to Smart Energy

Since energy drives economic growth, the power grid has always had a profound impact on nations’ economic survival, security, and sustainability. Today, supported by advances in many technologies, as the internet of things transforms the way nations manage energy through smart grids and smart meters, the energy industry is now able to automate most energy management processes. As a result, nations are now able to lay the foundation of an integrated energy market that can work for consumers, has diverse energy sources, and ensures that energy supply can meet demand—and bring sustainability to nations’ economic engine.

So, as nations learn how to use energy more efficiently and try to put renewables and smart technology at the heart of their energy system for its security, the emerging revolution and evolution of power grid will likely have a profound impact on each nation’s economy: survival, security, and sustainability.

Smart grids are on their way to allowing energy to keep flowing where and when it’s needed and can make the best use of all renewable energy sources. So, as nations witness transformative changes to the way electricity is produced, transmitted, and used, it is important to understand and evaluate, what are the current and future trends in technology that are transforming the grid–and what will be the future of the global energy system.

Time is now to talk about security risks emerging from Smart Grid to Smart Energy!

For more please watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or listen to Risk Roundup Podcast

About the Guest

Ravi Seethapathy P.Eng, MBA, FCAE is an Advisor to the Utility/Industry, and on the Boards of Power Transmission & Distribution (IC) Division of Larsen & Toubro, India; Smart Grid Canada, India Smart Grid Forum and Biosirus Inc. Canada. His current international activities include

  1. Ambassador for Americas, Global Smart Grid Federation;
  2. CIGRE Convenor WGC6.28-Remote Grids;
  3. IEA PVPS Taskforce 14 – Large Scale Solar Integration;
  4. IEC TC 120 – Energy Storage;
  5. IEC SEG4-LVDC; and
  6. Chair, India Smart Grid Forum WG 5-RE & Micro-grids.

He is an invited speaker internationally and has co-authored over 50 technical papers in the areas of Smart Grid. He mentor/Chair a small company Biosirus Inc. He retired in 2014 after a 31-year career in Hydro One, a leading Utility in Canada where he managed leading portfolios in R&D, Innovation, Smart Grid Projects, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy Integration, Asset Management, Corporate Operations/Technical Audit, M&A (500M$), Field Operations, and Relaying and Control. His Past Corporate Directorships include Toronto Atmospheric Fund, Ryerson University, TV Ontario, Scarborough Hospital, Nevaro Capital Corp, Engineers Without Borders (Chair), Canadian Club of Toronto (President), Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (President).
He has received numerous honors and citations including Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012), Fellow Canadian Academy of Engineering (2012), Hydro One President’s Award (2008), Honor Roll of the Shastri Institute (2008), Honorary Fellow, Centennial College (2005), Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (1996) to name a few.
His education includes a B. Tech (Hons) in Electrical Power from IIT, Kharagpur, India; an M. Eng. in Electrical Power from the University of Toronto; and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University.

About the Host of Risk Roundup

Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Founder and CEO of Risk Group LLC, is a scientist, visionary thinker, futurist, expert in disruptive technologies, advisory board member, keynote speaker, and a globally recognized strategic security risk intelligence expert with decades of experience in science and technology, technology trends, future of technology, disruption, strategic security risks, and national preparedness.

She has exceptional knowledge of security vulnerabilities that enable nations and all their components to more effectively overcome the risk of being blindsided by change and aids in better enabling the decision-makers to lead in the rapidly changing world. At-Risk Group, she is passionately creating and managing cutting-edge security ventures that bring a futurist perspective to nations that afford governments and corporations alike the information to improve innovation capacity, develop strategies, and define and design new ideas, innovations, products, and services for its security and sustainability.

She is the author of the book, The Global Age: NGIOA @ Risk and has recently issued a White Paper on Blockchain-based Cyber-Security Risk Management Framework.  A globally recognized thought leader and influencer, Jayshree is actively engaged in driving the thought leadership on existing and emerging technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, collective intelligence, machine learning, nanotechnology, biotechnology, synthetic biology, gene editing, drones, 3D printing, IoTs, wearables and more.

About Risk Roundup

“Risk Roundup” is an “integrated strategic security risk dialogue” for nations: its government,  industries, organizations, and academia (NGIOA) in cyberspace, geospace, and space (CGS). Risk Roundup is released in both audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) format and is available for subscription at (Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).

About Risk Group

Risk Group believes that risk management, security, and peace walk together hand in hand. Though security is related to the management of threats and peace to the management of conflict, risk management is related to the management of security vulnerabilities as well as the management of conflict, and it is not possible to conceive any one of the three without the existence of the other two. All three concepts feed into each other. Risk Group believes that the security we build for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for everyone across nations. Tradition becomes our security-so if we build a culture of managing risks effectively it will lead us to security and security will lead us to peace!

Copyright Risk Group LLC. All Rights Reserved

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Risk Group is a leading Strategic Security Risk Intelligence Platform that empowers institutions and individuals in today's complex global landscape. Our Integrated Security Risk Intelligence framework builds confidence, enabling effective navigation of challenges. With rapid technological advancements affecting all aspects of society, Risk Group's Advisory Services provide essential assessments that reveal opportunities and highlight security risks related to your planning and investment decisions. Trust Risk Group for comprehensive and actionable Integrated Intelligence. Profile

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