Risk Group Wishes You A Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Everyone! As we begin 2022, what is striking is that although we strive to create artificial intelligence, bioengineer living...

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Happy New Year, Everyone!

Risk Group Wishes You A Happy New Year!

As we begin 2022, what is striking is that although we strive to create artificial intelligence, bioengineer living things, build metaverses and launch space missions, we are still battling the virus that brought us a pandemic in 2019. And the end is nowhere in sight. Not only that, the human health, jobs, wages, privacy, security, autonomy, and liberties are not in balance and slowly becoming things of the past. While we all are rightfully concerned about our personal and public preparedness for the growing turbulence, the concerns are growing beyond the pandemic. We must focus on this for the future of humanity because if we do not understand what brought us this pandemic and associated risks, our challenges will grow beyond pandemics in the coming years.

It is frustratingly clear that we are not prioritizing humanity’s critical security risks. It is not that we are not aware of what risks are coming our way, but we are not putting our resources into preventing those risks. We @RiskGroup believe that Risk Management, Security, and Peace walk together hand in hand. Though Security is related to the management of threats and Peace to the management of conflict, Risk Management is associated with the management of security vulnerabilities and management of conflict, and it is not possible to conceive any one of the three without the existence of the other two. All three concepts feed into each other. We believe that the security we build for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for everyone across nations. Tradition becomes our security, so if we build a culture of managing risks effectively, it will lead us to Security, and Security will lead us to Peace.

It is essential to recognize the special symbolism Global Peace through Risk Management brings with it.  A new year, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts also brings reflection and responsibilities. Whether our resolutions consist of securing our life, the life of our loved ones, or the whole world, managing risks will be the first step we all will need to take. So join me in our efforts to protect the future of humanity. Please support us in any way you can!

As we embark on our 2022 journey, we know that our work has only just begun. On behalf of Risk Group, it has been my sincere honor and pleasure to be of service to you in 2021. We appreciate your trust and hope to continue our association for years to come. We are wishing you a world of Security and Peace in 2022!

Thank you


Jayshree Pandya Ph.D

Founder and CEO:  Risk Group

Strategic Advisor | Futurist

Author of the Books: The Quantum Threat, Geopolitics of Cybersecurity, Strategic Security Risk Report and The Global Age

Written by Risk Group
Risk Group is a leading Strategic Security Risk Intelligence Platform that empowers institutions and individuals in today's complex global landscape. Our Integrated Security Risk Intelligence framework builds confidence, enabling effective navigation of challenges. With rapid technological advancements affecting all aspects of society, Risk Group's Advisory Services provide essential assessments that reveal opportunities and highlight security risks related to your planning and investment decisions. Trust Risk Group for comprehensive and actionable Integrated Intelligence. Profile