Risk Group Monthly Digest

August 2019 Edition | Risk Group’s monthly newsletter to give you an update on achievements and activities. Risk Group Monthly Digest August...

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August 2019 Edition | Risk Group’s monthly newsletter to give you an update on achievements and activities.

Risk Group Monthly Digest

August 2019 Edition

Risk Group’s monthly newsletter to give you an update on achievements and activities.

Risk Group Celebrates 200 Episodes of Risk Roundup

Thank you for your support

by Risk Group on August 17, 2019

Risk Roundup, a global initiative launched by Risk Group, is a security risk reporting for risks emerging from existing and emerging technologies, technology convergence and transformation happening across cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace, and space. Risk Group LLC is committed to improving the state of risk-resilience through collective participation, and reporting of cyber-security, aqua-security, geo-security, and space-security risks in the spirit of global peace through risk management.  


Risk Group Insights

The following are Risk Group’s Insights published in July

Neuralink to Neurohacking

As we prepare to co-exist with artificial intelligence, what does it mean for intelligent machines to be able to read human brain activity with surgically implanted electrodes that monitor neurons?

Investing In The Internet Of Things Security

Since security has immediate and future consequences, what is the real cost of solving — or not solving — the internet of things security problems?

The Non-Human Solutions to the Midway Disadvantage

The design of the human brain was finalized before evolution decided that only humans who live in groups can continue the survival…

A Changing Internet: The Convergence Of Blockchain, Internet Of Things, And Artificial Intelligence

As the internet evolves, what will be the impact of the convergence of the current IoT infrastructure with blockchain and artificial intelligence?

Military Cyberspace Paradoxes: Theoretical Areas to Consider for Policy and Practice

Land, air, sea, and space domains exhibit physical spaces; however, cyberspace further extends into cognitive and virtual realms. Ultimately, cyberspace reveals…

Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Business Models

As artificial intelligence re-writes business models, how will its application and adoption revolutionize business and commerce further?

Nuances of Aadhaar: India’s Digital Identity, Identification System And ID

As reports are emerging of personal data associated with Aadhaar ID being sold in alternate markets for as little as 500 Indian Rupees, are we witnessing the weaponization of identity becoming a reality? 

Need For A New Security Centric Operating System For Humanity

Since the democratization of destruction is now a reality, should we not use new interactive tools, techniques, and immersive platforms to include everyone from across nations to secure the future of humanity?

Risk Roundup 

Risk Roundup is published in both video and audio format and is available for subscription on Risk Group Website: YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher Radio and on Professional Social Media LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook

A New Operating System For Humanity

by Risk Group on July 11, 2019

This month, we welcomed Georges van Hoegaerden on Risk Roundup to discuss A New Operating System for Humanity. Georges is the Managing Director of The Venture Company, a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, Venture Catalyst, CEO, and a Board Member. He is based in the United States. Please go to Risk Group to watch/listen A New Operating System For Humanity

The Promise Of Category Theory

by Risk Group on July 26, 2019

This month, we also welcomed Dr. John Carlos Baez on Risk Roundup to discuss The Promise of Category Theory.  Dr. John Carlos Baez is an American Mathematical Physicist and a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Riverside, based in the United States. Please go to Risk Group to watch/listen Risk Roundup on The Promise of Category Theory

Security Thought Leadership




Risk Group LLC



Written by Risk Group
Risk Group is a leading Strategic Security Risk Intelligence Platform that empowers institutions and individuals in today's complex global landscape. Our Integrated Security Risk Intelligence framework builds confidence, enabling effective navigation of challenges. With rapid technological advancements affecting all aspects of society, Risk Group's Advisory Services provide essential assessments that reveal opportunities and highlight security risks related to your planning and investment decisions. Trust Risk Group for comprehensive and actionable Integrated Intelligence. Profile

Risk Group Digest

Risk Group in Newsletter
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Risk Group Digest

Risk Group in Newsletter
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Risk Group Monthly Digest

Risk Group in Newsletter
  ·   2 min read