Protecting Cryptocurrency

Philip Raymond, Co-Chair of CRYPSA, a Cryptocurrency Standards Association, and Founder of Vanquish Labs based in the United States participates in Risk...

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Philip Raymond, Co-Chair of CRYPSA, a Cryptocurrency Standards Association, and Founder of Vanquish Labs based in the United States participates in Risk Roundup to discuss- Protecting Cryptocurrency.

Protecting Cryptocurrency

From gold coins to paper currency to credit cards, money, which is basically a way to pay for goods and services, has periodically changed its physical form over the years. While each physical form looked different from the previous one, one thing that remained constant over the years has been that– they have always been backed by governments and governing bodies at some level.

However, the evolution in money we are seeing now is very different than the previous ones as it evolves from physical form to digital. The emerging evolving digital format of money — cryptocurrency, brings nations an entirely different kind of monetary system that is not backed by any government or bank at any level but is created entirely through computer code.

  • What does this mean?
  • What impact does it have on not only today but also the coming tomorrow?
  • When cryptocurrency is digital and does not exist in any physical form, and is not even stored or regulated by any government body, how does one keep it safe and secure?
  • How does one protect this new form of money–cryptocurrency?

It is important that we understand and evaluate this further. While there is growing excitement that cryptocurrency marks the beginning of a new era for money, we need to take a pause and think about why we are trying to re-define and re-design the monetary system on the back of technology that brings fundamental security risks.  Time is now to talk about “Protecting Cryptocurrency”!

For more please watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or hear the Risk Roundup Podcast

About the Guest

Philip Raymond is the Co-Chair of CRYPSA, a Cryptocurrency Standards Association based in the United States. He was host & MC for The Bitcoin Event (NY) and CEO of Vanquish Labs (MA).

Raymond has been the subject of feature stories in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, National Public Radio, Boston Business Journal, Network World, PC Magazine, PC Week, and Wired News. He was the keynote speaker at the 2017 Digital Currency Summit in Johannesburg. He is currently working on the following projects:

  • CRYPSA (Cryptocurrency Standards Association)
  • Blind Signaling and Response. (Limits use of personal data collected by cloud services)
  • Writer/Lecturer/Security consultant, especially on Bitcoin and Privacy & Antiforensics
  • RDDC (Reverse Distributed Data Cloud): Unlimited secure storage spread across peers. Access in real time as a torrent

Mr. Raymond founded and managed several ventures before starting Vanquish Labs. He was founder & Chairman of IMCO Electronics (originally Architectural Communications Inc), a LAN manufacturer and a preferred network solution for industrial, HVAC, building & environmental controls.

He founded Peripheral Vision (later, International Bureau of Software Test, Inc), the market leader in software testing, with contracts from IBM, AT&T, and Xerox. He is a popular Blogger and columnist for Lifeboat Foundation, Quora and “Naked Security”, a Sophos security newsletter. Mr. Raymond is also the Advisory Board of Lifeboat Foundation and at Heliotronics, Inc, a manufacturer of grid-connected power inverters.

About Risk Group

Risk Group is a leading strategic security risk research and reporting organization.

Copyright Risk Group LLC. All Rights Reserved

Reference Episodes:

The Rise of Initial Coin Offering (ICOs)- Risks and Rewards
Emerging Technologies Geopolitics
Cashless Economy – Risks & Rewards
Blockchain based Insurance Model for Managing Aging Infrastructure Risks
Smart Contracts – Risks & Rewards
Blockchain & Machine Learning Based Content Platform
Blockchain Based Risk Transfer
Blockchain Revolution – Risks & Rewards
Securing the Internet of Things using Blockchain Convergence
The Convergence of Blockchain and Internet of Things
Blockchain Applications for Emerging Economies
Blockchain based Creative Content Collaboration
Applications of Blockchain Technology
What Should Bankers Know About Financial Technology
Blockchain based Network Security
Digital Transformation of Financial Industry
Will Blockchain Secure the Internet of Things
Need for Cryptocurrency Standards

Written by Risk Group
Risk Group is a leading Strategic Security Risk Intelligence Platform that empowers institutions and individuals in today's complex global landscape. Our Integrated Security Risk Intelligence framework builds confidence, enabling effective navigation of challenges. With rapid technological advancements affecting all aspects of society, Risk Group's Advisory Services provide essential assessments that reveal opportunities and highlight security risks related to your planning and investment decisions. Trust Risk Group for comprehensive and actionable Integrated Intelligence. Profile