Legal Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence

Divya Dwivedi, Founder of JND Charitable Trust and participating advocate at the Supreme Court of India, participate in Risk Roundup to present...

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Responsible AI

Divya Dwivedi, Founder of JND Charitable Trust and participating advocate at the Supreme Court of India, participate in Risk Roundup to present her insights on Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence.  

Risk Roundup: Legal Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence

Legal Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence

We are learning to live in an age of artificial intelligence. Furthermore, as artificial intelligence changes our way of life, its increasing omnipresence and rapidly expanding potential have spurred the massive automation-driven transformation of the entire human ecosystem. Although the artificial intelligence-driven transformation is welcoming overall, its weaponization, inherent bias in algorithms, and other risks raise complex challenges for law, ethics, corporate, and government policy. Moreover, AI is incredibly feared because we are still trying to understand AI’s broader risks and long-term impact on our species. Therefore, it is crucial to understand different countries’ strategies and their potential paths to effective artificial intelligence regulation.

In this episode of Risk Roundup, the focus is on the complex legal and regulatory challenges of artificial intelligence facing India.

Increasing Role of Artificial Intelligence

Like all countries, the increasing role of AI in the Indian economy and society presents both promise and perils. It is especially when it brings practical and conceptual challenges for the legal system of all countries.So, the question is:

  • How India’s legal system addresses the rise of artificial intelligence?
  • For AI, what are the fears in India, and where are they originating from?

Some of the shared concerns for all countries perhaps stem from the familiar fears of potential technological unemployment and the possible use of emerging technologies to be misused by humans. However, as AI-driven automation touches the entire human ecosystem, the questions regarding the liability of AI-caused harm will likely grow beyond unemployment. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the legal implications of AI if it causes damage to humans and the human ecosystem.

The reality is that very few laws or regulations exist that specifically address the unique challenges raised by AI. Moreover, it seems virtually no courts across nations appear to have developed legal or judicial standards to specifically address who should be held legally responsible if an AI causes harm.

Also, there are practical challenges about:

  • How is AI researched and developed?
  • What controls are in place of the actions of autonomous machines?
  • Where are the conceptual difficulties in assigning moral and legal responsibility for harm caused by autonomous machines?
  • What precisely is artificial intelligence?

The reality is that irrespective of nations, the legal system will struggle to manage the rise of AI. Moreover, at the core is also the problem of attribution. Since research and development of AI are not visible as it is democratized, and it does not require a lot of infrastructures, when anyone in any part of the world could be computing and need only computers and data, it is difficult for regulators to find out who is working on AI and what systems are being developed. So, we must evaluate how to regulate the R & D for artificial intelligence when it is democratized and decentralized. As we evaluate the current form of regulatory bodies and understand the gaps and changes, we also need to visualize how the regulatory bodies will evolve. Now is a time to talk about the Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence!

For more, please watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or hear the Risk Roundup Podcast

About the Guest

Divya Dwivedi is the Founder of JND Charitable Trust based in India. She is also participating advocate at the Supreme Court of India.

About the Host of Risk Roundup
Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt) is a leading expert at the intersection of science, technology, & security. She is a globally recognized futurist passionate about protecting the Future of Humanity. She serves in the C-Suite of leading emerging technology startups, actively applying her scientific background to designing systems. She has a Ph.D. in Microbiology for her 1986-1991 work on Hydrogen Production by Halobacterium halobium, for which she was also awarded a National Young Scientist Award in Biochemistry in 1988-89. In addition, she has done two postdoctoral fellowships, one at the University of Hawaii and another at the University of Chicago.  She also did her Executive Education Program in Operations and Change Management at Rice University – Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management in 2000 – 2001.  She founded Risk Group LLC in 2002 that evolved into a Strategic Security Risk Research Organization, Platform, and Community in 2015.  She is also the host of the influential Risk Roundup Podcast on a mission to talk to a million decision-makers. She has already conducted more than 260 one-to-one interviews with top decision-makers worldwide. She is now leading the global discussions on emerging technologies, technology transformation, and nation preparedness.

Her scientific research has contributed to more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in top international journals. Moreover, her research across many other domains has contributed to more than 100 publications and is pursued to provide strategic security solutions.  She wrote for Forbes in 2019-2020 and now writes regularly for Risk Group. In addition, she has published three Strategic Security Risk Reports and three books, The Global Age, The Quantum Threat, and Geopolitics of Cybersecurity. From the National Science Foundation to leading organizations from the United States, Europe, and Asia, she is an invited speaker on emerging technologies, technology transformation, digital disruption, and strategic security risks. She can be reached at + (832) 971 8322 and followed on Twitter @jayshreepandya and LinkedIn @drjayshreepandya.

About Risk Roundup

Risk Roundup, a global initiative launched by Risk Group, is a security risk reporting for risks emerging from existing and emerging technologies, technology convergence, and transformation happening across cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace, and space. Risk Roundup is released in audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) formats. It is available for subscription at Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media.

About Risk Group

Risk Group is a Strategic Security Risk Research Platform and Community. Risk Group’s Strategic Security Community and Ecosystem is the first and only cross-disciplinary and collective community that is made of top scientists, security professionals, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, policymakers, and academic institutions from across nations collaborating to research, review, rate, and report strategic security risks to protect the future of humanity.

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