Ideas Are The New Oil

Should Ideas be considered as a new tradable asset class? Yes, Ideas should become a new tradable asset class. The simple reason...

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Should Ideas be considered as a new tradable asset class?

Yes, Ideas should become a new tradable asset class. The simple reason is that everyone should be able to have their ideas heard, monetize them, and help transform the entire human ecosystem to protect the future of humanity.

Ideas and Imagination

From the beginning of time, the power of ideas and imagination has helped us, humans, explore the unknowns, evolve, and change the world around us. Perhaps the same power of imagination will continue to aid us in analyzing the unknowns and help protect our collective future.

Imagination has always been an indicator of human intelligence, driving our progress and development and our survival and security. While imagination is a creative power necessary for inventions for our evolution, the same power of imagination also drives the resilience of our species. Now, when humanity faces many existential risks, managing those existing and emerging risks requires new ideas and a new way of doing things. But the challenge is that the world does not have access to all ideas, nor are all ideas taken seriously in the systems we have created. The current systems sideline most ideas, allow the stealing of many ideas, and only certain privileged people benefit fairly from their ideas. It is a problem that needs to be fixed.

The Idea Theft

Ideas and imagination, creativity does not come to everyone quickly. So the pressure to produce new thinking to solve problems, progress, and develop is not new. Nor is the stealing of ideas, the idea theft. But, unfortunately, idea theft has become a norm over the years and has hurt many across nations. The reason is that the ground is already laid for the Idea theft as soon as anyone speaks, writes, or brainstorms about their ideas with anyone—a colleague, friend, boss, investor, and so on.

Sadly, taking credit for other people’s ideas, implementing others’ ideas, and benefiting financially and in many different ways has become a norm. Therefore, there is a crucial need to address the Idea theft problem and create a system that allows everyone to get credit for their ideas and also benefit financially.

Risk Group Proposal

There is a need to build an Idea Exchange that would allow everyone to trade their ideas. In addition, the exchange should be defined, designed, and developed in a way to unleash the real monetary value of Ideas irrespective of nationality, class, race, and religion. It would create an inclusive, vibrant community working towards humanity’s complex challenges.

Therefore, Risk Group proposes:

  • Ideas to be considered as a new asset class
  • Development of a system that ties ideas to their origin and owner
  • Creation of Idea Exchange
  • Establishing Idea Security Laws
  • Putting together Idea Security Trading Guidelines

Risk Group hopes that the proposed Idea Exchange will eradicate Idea theft and help make many breakthroughs in recognizing, pricing, traceability, market access, and regulation of Ideas as assets. Moreover, it will help everyone across countries transform our ecosystem in all domains and dimensions for our collective security by sharing their ideas as an asset. But for that, we need to define, design, and develop critical systems, laws, and guidelines first.

Idea Is the New Oil

The idea is the new oil and can be packaged effectively to be traded. To take a step forward, Risk Group calls for establishing a Working Group for taking the next steps for the Idea Exchange.

The reason is that the Risk Group strongly opposes any Idea theft and intends to work towards creating an idea transaction ecosystem. Therefore, we call upon all stakeholders to support our efforts to set up a system to define idea ownership and idea trading to promote fair contribution, competition, and compensation.

A collective Idea Industry is essential because ideas drive our individual and collective progress and development. But Ideas will only be valuable if they can be used, given credit for, and compensated for.


Risk Group’s mission is to create a leveled playing field for everyone by giving them a way to tie their ideas with their identity and provide a marketplace to sell their conceptual ideas for commercialization. The proposed Idea Exchange would help break all monopolies and create a leveled playing field where every individual will be able to reap the rewards of their idea and imagination.

Written by Dr. Jayshree Pandya
Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Ph.D., a leading expert at the intersection of science, technology, and security, is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Risk Group LLC. Guided by societal necessities, her research has contributed to more than 100 publications, including four books. In addition, she serves in the C-Suite of leading emerging technology startups, actively applying her scientific background to designing systems that secure the future of humanity. Profile

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