Cognitive Systems

Dr. Arne Norlander, Science, and Technology Strategist, Cognitive Systems Scholar, Business Agility and Leadership Thinker, Director: Research and Innovation @ Secana, Stockholm,...

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Dr. Arne Norlander, Science, and Technology Strategist, Cognitive Systems Scholar, Business Agility and Leadership Thinker, Director: Research and Innovation @ Secana, Stockholm, Sweden participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Cognitive Systems.

Cognitive Systems

Cognitive Systems are on the rise. There is a growing belief that in the coming years we will not only be able to collaborate with intelligent machines, but address them, and have a real conversation with them. Because of the advances in cognitive computing, from smartphones, smart computers, smart cars, smart enterprises, smart homes, smart cities to smart manufacturing, in near future, intelligent machines will be able to give us a real, thoughtful response rather than a pre-programmed one as seen over the years.

So, as intelligent machines begin to think like human beings, and collaborate with humans, they will undoubtedly increase human capabilities, reach, and knowledge. As a result, we will be able to gather data, draw intelligent conclusions, and make accurate predictions.

As seen across nations, the advances in neurophysiological and cognitive science research have already fueled a surge of research and applications aimed at more effectively combining human and machine capabilities. The time is not far for the dawn of a new age, where machines with human-like cognitive abilities, work hand in hand with humans in solving complex problems.

The potential use cases for cognitive systems are broad, diverse, and plentiful. As a result, it is important to understand and evaluate how far we are in understanding cognitive systems to give human performance an edge at all levels. The time is now to discuss the power of Cognitive Systems.

For more please watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or hear the Risk Roundup Podcast

About the Guest

Dr. Arne Norlander is a Scientist, Research Director, Strategic Advisor, Agile Capabilities Specialist, Cognitive Systems Expert, Retired Military Officer, R&D/Innovation Futurist, Public Speaker, Design Thinker, Scientific Writer. His experience and expertise is broad encompassing: ★ Aerospace Systems ★ Network-Enabled Capabilities / NEC ★ Agile Capabilities ★ Digitalization ★ C4ISTAR ★ AI ★ Cyber ★ Cognitive Systems Engineering / CSE ★ Cognitive Security & Systems Safety ★ Robotics, Automation & Autonomy ★ Technology Readiness Level / TRL Assessment ★ Strategic Technology Foresight & Horizon Scanning ★ Military & Crisis Management Operations ★ Strategy & Doctrine ★ Transformation ★ R&D Portfolio Management ★ International R&D Collaboration ★ Science Diplomacy ★ Change Management ★ Business Agility ★ Modeling & Simulation ★ Man-Technology-Organization / MTO ★ Human-Systems Integration / HSI . He is based in Sweden.

About the Host of Risk Roundup

Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Founder and CEO of Risk Group LLC, is a scientist, a visionary, an expert in disruptive technologies, a Forbes contributor and a globally recognized thought leader and influencer. She is actively engaged in driving global discussions on existing and emerging technologies, technology transformation, and national preparedness.

From the National Science Foundation to organizations from across nations, Jayshree is an invited speaker on emerging technologies, technology transformation, digital disruption, strategic security risks, industry risks, and country risks. She is the author of the book, The Global Age: NGIOA @ Risk and has also published many scientific and technical papers.  Jayshree advises decision-makers at all levels on existing and emerging technologies: emerging applications, impact, and solutions.

About Risk Roundup

Risk Roundup, a global initiative launched by Risk Group, is a security risk reporting for risks emerging from existing and emerging technologies, technology convergence and transformation happening across cyberspace, geospace and space. Risk Roundup is released in both audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) format and is available for subscription at (Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).

About Risk Group

Risk Group LLC, a leading strategic security risk research and reporting organization, is a private organization committed to improving the state of risk-resilience through collective participation, and reporting of cyber-security, geo-security, and space-security risks in the spirit of global peace through risk management. Incorporated as a limited liability corporation and headquartered in Sugar land TX, Risk Group is independent, impartial, and not tied to any interests. Best known for its Risk Roundup initiative, Risk Group publishes benchmark Risk Roundup Webcast and Podcast reports on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality, Synthetic Biology, Big Data, Drones, Nanosatellites, Cyber-Security, Geo-Security, Space-Security, Cyber Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Dual-Use Technologies. Risk, Risk Management, Resilience, Wearables, Technology Trends, Strategic Security, Futurism, and much more. The rapidly growing Risk Roundup Community is a beacon of hope for the future of humanity.

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