Can Quantum Physics Explain The Science Of Creating Miracles?

Dr. Larry Farwell, author of the book, the Science of Creating Miracles, TIME Magazine named him to the TIME 100: The Next...

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Dr. Larry Farwell, author of the book, the Science of Creating Miracles, TIME Magazine named him to the TIME 100: The Next Wave, the top innovators of this century who may be “the Einsteins or Picassos of the 21st Century”, participate in Risk Roundup to discuss the Science of Creating Miracles.

Risk Roundup: The Science Of Miracles

The Science of Creating Miracles

It is believed that our thinking and our consciousness create our individual and collective reality. Thus, the reality of our life and our ecosystem is fundamentally the creation of our minds. Not only that, but our body and our ecosystem—the human domains and dimensions are also a holographic projection of our consciousness. If so:

  • What is the exact mechanism behind this holographic projection principle?
  • Do human thoughts determine reality?
  • Are human intent and implications are tied to the state of our universe?

It seems human thoughts determine reality. It is one of the fundamental principles of quantum physics and was proved in the 1900s with the double-slit experiment and proved recently by Dr. Larry Farwell. It conclusively determined that the behavior of energy particles at the quantum level is the human observer’s conscious intent. For example, it has been observed that the electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles. Moreover, at other times, they would switch to working like waves, formless energy—completely dependent on what the human observer intended and imagined was going to materialize. Whatever the observed believed would happen is what the quantum field did in the experiments conducted over the years.

When we make a conscious decision, the quantum world knows what to do and how to obey the command. Furthermore, as a result, it is we humans who are directing and controlling our quantum world. Our collective human energy field is interacting, instructing, and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times. Our conscious beliefs, desires, and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined and directed by the energy of our thoughts and emotions.

Can Conscious Human Intention Alter Our Universe?

The emerging experimental evidence suggests that conscious human intentions and our universe are intertwined. Since everything in the universe is made out of an interconnected web of energy, quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made of currents of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating. Now the matter at its tiniest level is energy, and human consciousness is connected to it. So, human consciousness can instruct and influence its intentions and even restructure them.

Today, as each nation continues to undergo a massive technological transformation and seeks a new way to rebuild their economies, human lives, the human ecosystem, it brings human intent at the center, perhaps more than ever before, for our collective security. The reason is that today’s world reality is rampant with the democratization of destruction in all human domains and dimensions. If there is a growing intent of destruction from masses, and humans and machines are at war all the time, the obvious question is what the implications on our universe are?

So, as we evaluate the human intent for destructive ideas, innovation, and initiatives, it forces us to understand the intent mechanism, the quantum implications fundamentals, to understand the science of human intent and implications.

While there has been no research data publicly available to understand the Science of Destructive Intent and its direct implications on the universe, the research published by Dr. Larry Farwell recently can help us indirectly appreciate the science of intent and implications. The reason is that his work on the “Science of Miracles” opens the door to understanding the power of human consciousness to command nature and move the physical and biochemical world.

Since the universe is not an assembly of physical parts like man-made machines but instead comes from an entanglement of energy waves that are still not understood clearly, it is time to focus on the science of singularities.  We must further understand:

  • If we are quantum machines and create our reality, are human domains and ecosystems our mental construct?
  • What do the individual and collective influence of human consciousness on the behavior of physical or biological systems or processes depend on?

Our consciousness has a seamless interface with the universe and can accomplish any complexity necessary to carry out the desired result. Moreover, the conscious human intention has the power to command change in our universe. So, if we can consciously command even a very slight shift in the quantum-mechanical events that arise, provided that this change is consistent, that would be enough to explain not only how we exercise free will and drive our brains at will, but also how we potentially can create any world we desire. Great discoveries for our collective good will come when we are in harmony with the universe. So, how can the emerging understanding of Quantum Physics be applied to bring peace and security to our world?

The time is now to understand the power of human intent and its implications on the universe. To further understand Dr. Larry’s experiment and his views, please read his book, The Science of Creating Miracles, watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or hear the Risk Roundup Podcast.

About the Guest

Dr. Larry Farwell, Ph.D., is the inventor of Brain Fingerprinting, a scientific method to discover the truth, identify criminals and terrorists, and clear the innocent with extremely high accuracy by measuring brainwaves. He invented the first brain-computer interface. He conducted Brain Fingerprinting research at the FBI, the CIA, and the US Navy. He patented Brain Fingerprinting, published it in the leading scientific journals, and applied it to solve major crimes. He has been featured on CBS, ABC, CNN, the New York Times, and news media worldwide.  TIME Magazine named him to the TIME 100: The Next Wave, the top innovators of this century who may be “the Einstein’s or Picassos of the 21st Century.”

He is a Harvard graduate and a former Harvard research associate.  He earned his Ph.D. in biological psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992. He is the author of How Consciousness Commands Matter: The New Scientific Revolution and the Evidence that Anything Is Possible.

About the Host of Risk Roundup

Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Ph.D., a leading expert at the intersection of science, technology, and security, is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Risk Group LLC. Guided by societal necessities, her research has contributed to more than 100 publications, including four books. In addition, she serves in the C-Suite of leading emerging technology startups, actively applying her scientific background to designing systems that secure the future of humanity.

About Risk Roundup

Through the Risk Roundup initiative, Risk Group is on a mission to talk with a billion people: innovators, scientists, entrepreneurs, futurists, technologists, policymakers, to decision-makers. The reason behind this effort is to research, review, rate, and report strategic security risks facing humanity. This collective intelligence effort is essential to understand what destructive forces we need to be mindful of and where we need to focus on our collective security.

Risk Roundup is released in both audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) format. It is available for subscription at (Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).

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