Risk Group LLC, a leading strategic security risk research and reporting organization, is a private organization committed to improving the state of risk-resilience through collective participation, and reporting of cyber-security, aqua-security, geo-security, and space-security risks in the spirit of global peace through risk management. Risk Group LLC, a leading strategic security risk research and reporting organization, is a private organization committed to improving the state of risk-resilience through collective participation, and reporting of cyber-security, aqua-security, geo-security, and space-security risks in the spirit of global peace through risk management.
Igor Volovich, CEO of Romad Cyber Systems participates in Risk Roundup to discuss the Traditional Anti-Malware Software Effectiveness
Richard Stiennon, author of “Surviving Cyberwar and There Will Be Cyberwar: How The Move to NCW Has Set the...
Prof. Daniel Shoemaker, the Director of the Masters of Science Information Assurance Program (for Cyber-security), and a Principal Investigator...
Amrit Williams DePaulo, a Chief Technology Officer @ Cloud Passage participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Growing Risks of...
Ernest Wohnig, a Senior Global Cyber-Security Advisor @ AES Corporation participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Critical Infrastructure Security...
Fritz Venter, Founder, and CEO of Computed Future participate in Risk Roundup to discuss The Rise of Artificial Intelligence.
VJay Vishwanathan, a Chief Information Security Officer participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Mobile Security Risks.
Anantha Bangalore, a Chief Technology Officer participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Security First Architecture.
Ulf Mattsson, a CTO of Protegrity participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Encryption and Security Risks.
Kelley Dempsey from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) participates in Risk Roundup to discuss the Security...
Honorable Branko Terzic, a former Utility CEO, Commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Commissioner on the State...
Chuck Brooks, Advisor, Technology Partner Network, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Securing Internet...
Fritz Venter, Founder, and CEO of Computed Future participate in Risk Roundup to discuss Artificial Intelligence driven Cyber-Security.
Dr. James Hughes from the Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Technology Super...
Prof. Aman Aggarwal, a renowned Economist, and a Senior Vice-Chairman at the Indian Institute of Finance participate in Risk...
Todd Bell, a Global Chief Information Security Officer from Global Data Lock participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Data...
Brian Bobo, Vice President, Enterprise Security at Schneider National participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Enterprise Security Risks.
Rebecca Gurley Bace (Becky Bace), Chief Strategist, Centre for Forensics, Information Technology and Security based in the United States participates...
Trond Ellefsen from Statoil participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Energy Cyber-Security Risks.
Rishi Bhatnagar, Founding President of Analytics and Big Data Society participates in Risk Roundup to discuss Big Data Analytics...
Risk Group is on a mission to achieve Global Security through Risk Management.
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