Kary Bheemaiah

A tech fan, news addict and data hound, Kariappa has had a varied career, as a marine engineer, a legionnaire in the French Legion, and currently as a researcher, lecturer, author & consultant. Having had the opportunity to present his thoughts on capitalism at a couple of TEDx events in France, he frequently blogs and speaks on issues pertaining to technology and economics. His first book, "The Blockchain Alternative: Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Theory" was published by Springer-Apress in March 2017. His articles and opinions on a range of subjects can be found on WIRED, Harvard Business Review, World Economic Forum, Les Echos, The Conversation, Lets Talk Payments, Huffington Post, and La Presse+. Some of his work is in French and has also been translated into Japanese. He is an Associate Research Scientist with Cambridge, a Senior Fellow at Ecole des Ponts and a visiting lecturer at GEM, ESCP and Moody's. Mission focused and self-aware, his motto of adaptation is to read history, be conscious of what's going on and design an environment that helps capture flashes of insight. He identifies himself as an economic sociologist, an expert generalist, and an epiphany addict.
