Dr. Rajesh Balkrishnan

Dr. Balkrishnan's research program focuses on health services research and epidemiology related to global medical care access, focused on long term pharmacological treatment of medical conditions. In particular, Dr. Balkrishnan has been recently focused on exploring issues related to adherence and quality of care in oncology, diabetes, and kidney disease in underserved populations. For nearly two decades, Dr. Balkrishnan has worked with the Medicaid program to understand issues of access to essential pharmacotherapies in low-income populations. Dr. Balkrishnan is a part of a research group that is exploring issues related to oncology care in rural Appalachia. In addition, he has served as key co-investigator on large national studies such as the USRDS. Dr. Balkrishnan combines his expertise in health informatics, pharmacy, health services research and biostatistics to create and analyze large data repositories which enable "real world" evaluations of the effectiveness of medical care. He is also involved in the development of several registries for non-communicable chronic diseases globally. He has performed several comparative effectiveness evaluations of technologies and treatments. Dr. Balkrishnan has published over 350 papers, books and book chapters and has been recognized nationally and internationally for his expertise in effectiveness research and evaluation.

Dr. Rajesh Balkrishnan is a Published Author of 350 Research Papers, Books and Book Chapters, and Professor of Public Health at the University of Virginia, School of Medicine based in the United States
