Dr. Natasha Vita-More

Natasha Vita-More, PhD is a design producer whose works concern the science, technology, and social implications on humanity and our future. She has received recognition for the whole-body prototype that synthesizes nanotech, biotech, robotics, and AI, her scientific breakthrough of long-term memory, and her innovative concept of the Regenerative Education. Wired magazine called Natasha an "early adopter of revolutionary ideas" and Village Voice claimed she is "a role model for super longevity". Having been published in numerous academic journals, such as Rejunivative Research, Metaverse Creativity and Technoetic Arts - A Journal of speculative Research, New Realities: Being Syncretic, Beyond Darwin, and D’ARS. Vita-More is also a contributing author to chapters of the books AI Society, Anticipating 2025, Intelligence Unbound. Her own book (below) is published by the renown Wiley Blackwell Publishing. Vita-More received Special Recognition at Women in Video and has exhibited at the London Contemporary Art Museum, Niet Normaal, and the Moscow Film Festival. She is most known for having designed the pioneering whole body prototype known as “Platform Diverse Body" (f/k/a Primo Posthuman) and the networked identity “Substrate Autonomous Identity”. With a background as a immersive designer in multi-media, her work focuses on science, technology, and philosophy. Her current work includes scientific research on memory of C. elegans nematode after vitrification. Featured in LA Weekly, The New York Times, and U.S. News & World Report, Vita-More has appeared in over two dozen televised documentaries on the future, including PBS, BBC, TLC, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Dr. Vita-More is a professor at the University of Advancing Technology, Chairman of Humanity+, and a Fellow at Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies. Natasha Vita-More, PhD, is a frequent guest speaker on topics concerning the future and technology. Her practice unpacks the technology, science, and design of human enhancement and radical life extension. She is a professor at the University of Advancing Technology, a reviewer for graduate students, and best known for creating the future human prototype "Primo Posthuman". Her writings have been published in numerous books, including The Transhumanist Reader, and she has appeared in more than twenty-four televised documentaries and featured in magazines including The New York Times, Wired, Village Voice, Flaunt, Harper’s Bazaar, U.S. News & World Report, Net Business, and Teleopolis. Natasha is on the Steering Committee of the RAADFest, a Fellow at Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and Fellow at Hybrid Reality Institute. She was formerly president of Extropy Institute from 2002-2005. As a bit of history, Natasha authored the "Transhuman Manifesto" (1983).
