Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz

Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz is the author of the book "Future World Order" and is a Professor at New York University based in the United States.

Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz is an NYU Professor, Author & Cartoonist in global risk & prediction; published her first, award-winning and Amazon bestselling book on global risk, FUTURE WORLD ORDER (Apr 2019), with fellowship support from the LSE's Institute of Global Affairs; launched 2020 edition in Jan 2020 at the Commonwealth Secretariat. Besides her work as a professor at NYU, she teaches global risk with Pioneer Academics and other e-learning startups.

She is also a Cartoonist who drew the five-time award-winning THE GLOBAL KID (www.theglobalkid.org) – the crowdfunded, educational comic book about politics for tween readers (all sales to youth education non-profits), which is being adapted into a political comic book for adults. On occasion, she still blogs for Medium.com and consults with governments via geopolitical consultancy Wikistrat and other networks.

She is a Jordanian-born Pakistani who grew up in the Middle East (Jordan, Saudi Arabia), Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia), Europe (UK, Greece), and the US. And she is a social scientist trained at Brown (BA), Columbia (MA), and the LSE (MSc, Ph.D.).
