Artificial Intelligence Driven Technological Singularity

David Wood, Chair at London Futurists, Principal @ Delta Wisdom, and a Pioneer of the Smart Phone Industry based in the UK...

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David Wood, Chair at London Futurists, Principal @ Delta Wisdom, and a Pioneer of the Smart Phone Industry based in the UK participates in Risk Roundup to discuss, Artificial Intelligence-driven Technological Singularity.

Towards Artificial Intelligence-Driven Technological Singularity

The technological singularity seems to be on our doorsteps. With the increasing power of computers (both hardware and software), artificial intelligence, robotics, and other technologies, we are getting closer to building a machine that will undoubtedly be more intelligent than us.

So, if superhuman intelligence were to be developed tomorrow, through artificial intelligence (or any other technological means) and technological singularity is inevitable, it would certainly give humans and human intelligence greater problem-solving potential than any technology revolution has given us so far. Furthermore, the development of artificial superintelligence (ASI) will most certainly trigger tremendous technological growth, resulting in endless transformative changes to the human ecosystem in cyberspace, geospace, space, and the spaces we don’t even know yet.

From where we are today (in terms of technological advances), it is important to understand and evaluate when would human intelligence be surpassed by artificial intelligence. What happens to human intelligence and the human race at that point? And would not creating artificial superintelligence mean creating another species with intelligence that may or may not have human interest at heart. Amidst the so many unknowns in front of us, how can we keep up with artificial superintelligence?

Since artificial intelligence brings us both promise and perils, we need to make a conscious effort to address the complex challenges of the disruption that is about to occur. So, as we evaluate the potential of artificial intelligence (A.I) becoming self-improving, autonomous, and leading to the singularity—it is important to evaluate where the impact of limitless machine intelligence is taking humanity and what are its potential risk and rewards and how to manage this transition.

This Risk Roundup discussion is not to make predictions but rather to understand and evaluate the security risks facing humanity. Whether technological singularity is near or far, likely or impossible, the very idea to create intelligence superior to us raises critical security risk questions for the future of humanity, forcing us to individually and collectively think seriously about what we want as a species. Time is now to discuss security risks emerging from Artificial Intelligence-driven Technological Singularity!

For more please watch the Risk Roundup Webcast or hear the Risk Roundup Podcast

About the Guest

David Wood is the Chair at London Futurists, Principal @ Delta Wisdom, and a Pioneer of the Smart Phone Industry. He is the author or lead editor of eight books – see His most recent books are “Transcending Politics: A techno-progressive roadmap to a comprehensively better future” and “The Abolition of Aging: the forthcoming radical extension of healthy human longevity”.  In 2009 he was included in T3’s list of “100 most influential people in technology”. He is based in the UK.

About the Host of Risk Roundup

Jayshree Pandya (née Bhatt), Founder and CEO of Risk Group LLC, is a scientist, a visionary, an expert in disruptive technologies, and a globally recognized thought leader and influencer. She is actively engaged in driving global discussions on existing and emerging technologies, technology transformation, and national preparedness.

From the National Science Foundation to organizations from across nations, Jayshree is an invited speaker on emerging technologies, technology transformation, digital disruption, strategic security risks, industry risks, and country risks. She is the author of the book, The Global Age: NGIOA @ Risk and has also published many scientific and technical papers.  Jayshree advises decision-makers at all levels on existing and emerging technologies: emerging applications, impact, and solutions.

About Risk Roundup

Risk Roundup, a global initiative launched by Risk Group, is a security risk reporting for risks emerging from existing and emerging technologies, technology convergence, and transformation happening across cyberspace, geospace, and space. Risk Roundup is released in both audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) format and is available for subscription at (Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).

About Risk Group

Risk Group LLC, a leading strategic security risk research and reporting organization, is a private organization committed to improving the state of risk-resilience through collective participation, and reporting of cyber-security, geo-security, and space-security risks in the spirit of global peace through risk management. Incorporated as a limited liability corporation and headquartered in Sugar land TX, Risk Group is independent, impartial, and not tied to any interests. Best known for its Risk Roundup initiative, Risk Group publishes benchmark Risk Roundup Webcast and Podcast reports on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Quantum Computing, Virtual Reality, Synthetic Biology, Big Data, Drones, Nanosatellites, Cyber-Security, Geo-Security, Space-Security, Cyber Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Dual-Use Technologies. Risk, Risk Management, Resilience, Wearables, Technology Trends, Strategic Security, Futurism, and much more. The rapidly growing Risk Roundup Community is a beacon of hope for the future of humanity.

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