Risk Group Digest
January 2020 Edition
Risk Group’s newsletter to give you an update on achievements and activities.
New Year Message From Risk Group
by Risk Group on January 1st, 2020
In the vastness of this universe, it is crucial to understand how the reality of human existence in the discrete individual unit impacts collective living and nonliving systems in cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace, and space (CAGS).
The emerging understanding of the connected CAGS ecosystem reveals that cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace, and space have a distinct reliance on each other, despite any three-dimensional or 4-dimensional distance between the spaces. What this implies is that even if the contested commons of CAGS are physically detached with no traditional or measurable linkages, what happens in cyberspace has a quantifiable effect on aquaspace, geospace, and space.
Now, individuals and entities across NGIOA are part of an entangled global CAGS system. Since the ability to generate and manipulate constructive and destructive in/action is at the foundation of digital disorder, it is crucial to understand and evaluate how the principles of quantum physics translate to the survival and security of humanity. If an individual human in/action is seen as a single atom, is our behavior guided by deterministic laws that impact the collective human species?
Since our individual behavior is a way to gauge what we are doing in this world and to this world, this is a time to brush up our individual visions and make them a life force for our collective security beyond the human CAGS ecosystem. This new year let us commit to act in a way which creates a wave of connected security particles beyond human existence.
Risk Group Insights
The following are Risk Group’s Insights
Risk Roundup
Risk Roundup, a global initiative launched by Risk Group, has finished four successful years and 221 episodes of security risk reporting of risks emerging from existing and emerging technologies, technology convergence, and transformation happening across cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace and space (CAGS). As we enter the fifth year of our collective risk research, review, rating and reporting of security risks, we are mindful of the promise and perils of the existing and emerging technologies as they merge and converge to make the once unachievable imagination possible.
Risk Group appreciates the hundreds of individuals and organizations around the world who stepped up and helped research, review, rate and report critical security risks facing humanity in 2019. Thank you for your commitment and trust. We will continue our work beyond 2020!
Each one of us has a role to play in managing the complex independent and interdependent security risks facing our nation and our collective future. Get involved in managing your nation’s risks for the future of humanity. Watch/Listen Risk Roundup: Webcast/Podcast to understand strategic security risks.
Risk Group Thought Leadership
Risk Group’s Collective Strategic Security Risk Analytics Platform is neutral, non-partisan, and non-biased towards any country, ideology, faith, religion, culture, or technology. Risk Group Community focuses on creating a strategic security thought leadership/scholarship to make our communities, nations, and the human race resilient to the rapidly emerging security risks from across cyberspace, aquaspace, geospace, and space (CAGS).
Risk Group appreciates the thought leaders from around the world who have stepped up to create thought leadership/scholarship to protect the future of humanity in 2019. Thank you for your commitment. We will continue our work beyond 2020!
As part of Risk Group’s commitment to maintaining an open community of risk researchers and thought leaders, we welcome articles that evaluate existing and emerging technologies, technology geopolitics, impact on nations, security risks, and the future of humanity. Please go to Risk Group and find out how you can contribute.
Risk Group Speaking Engagements
Risk Group is grateful for all the invitations received to speak from across nations in 2019. While it was not possible to accept all those invitations, Risk Group CEO spoke at the CYBERSEC 2019 and commits to making every effort to speak at as many events as possible in 2020.
Risk Group Thought Leadership Incubator
Risk Group’s security-centric thought leadership incubator provides futuristic insights and tangible solutions. Contact Risk Group to understand what you can get from thought leadership incubator.
Risk Group Membership
Risk group’s focus is on defining the security-centric operating system for the future of humanity. The development of a strategic security risk intelligence platform is to enable a collective effort towards shaping the future.
Risk Group members will benefit from the strategic security risk intelligence platform, the growing thought leadership, credibility, influence, reach, and targeted focus to solve complex security problems facing humanity. Contact Risk Group to understand how to be a Risk Group member.
Risk Group Book Publication
Stay tuned for the release of Risk Group’s book publication on “The Geopolitics of Cybersecurity: The Implications for the Future of Humanity “shortly. You will find the announcement here soon.
2020 Initiatives
Stay tuned for the announcement of the 2020 initiatives.
Strategic Security Thought Leadership
Risk Group LLC